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We are a manufacturer. You can order manufacturer direct, but if you need multiple bids or have too much red tape, you may be better off ordering from one of our dealers. Every dealer can order any part number from our catalog as a drop ship item so don't be a afraid to tell them what you want!

Custom Labeling is available.

On this web site's shopping cart you can check out with a credit card or a Purchase Order Number and we will bill you.

If you need a formal quote, please add your desired items to your cart and click "generate quote" Please do not ask us for formal quotes for orders under $2,500, just use the web site shopping cart.

Our products are made to order so sometimes there are lead times. If you have a grant deadline, just buy the items you think you want and we will invoice you and you can pay the invoice immediately. We can ship you the products you need as you need them or after you determine what you really need.

Brandon Wilson


Naloxone Vending Machine - Holds 40-50 Boxes of Narcan

New! Finally a purpose-built Narcan vending machine made specifically for the Narcan box! This cabinet is gravity fed and has no moving parts. This is not a retrofitted coin or credit card operated machine. This was designed specifically to give away Narcan one box at a time.

Product Features:

  • Gravity Fed. Narcan boxes have no choice but to follow down each chute as each box is removed from the bottom
  • No Moving Parts - a Simple Design for Unattended Narcan Distribution Programs
  • Holds 50 Boxes of Narcan
  • Perfect for bathroom walls or areas where space is at a premium
  • Integrated educational poster is customizable on orders over 20 units

Product Documents

Product Literature:
Naloxone Vending Machine
Sample Custom Label:
Custom Label Template - Sample

SKU Details

Sku Images Part# Description Add To Cart
EN9646 Holds 50 Boxes of Narcan brand Naloxone (new box size supported). You must tell us if you are using a different brand of Naloxone.

EN9718 Naloxone Vending Machine - Padagis Brand Naloxone Chutes

EN9688 "Scratch and Dent" option. Floor models, trade show samples, Minor imperfections. Holds 50 Boxes of Narcan brand Naloxone (new box size supported). You must tell us if you are using a different brand of Naloxone.

EN9689 Naloxone Vending Conversion Kit - Only buy this if you have one of our oldest units that was designed for the smaller Narcan box

VendingInstallKit Add this if each location will be installed by a different person