Just as the Allergy Emergency Kit was originally developed for a very specific school and then we realized the idea had wide appeal, the LiveSafer cabinet came to be during a discussion with the nursing staff of Newark New Jersey Board of Education in 2019. We realized that legislation passing in several states was going to create a "cabinet problem" between AEDs, our Allergy Emergency Kit and the up-and-coming concepts of public access Stop The Bleed and stock Naloxone/Narcan.
Around that same time, we lost a precious member of our own community to an asthma attack. It became clear to us that modern first aid was not about gauze and band-aids anymore...the technology had changed and the old paradigms had to give way to a more modern approach.
With space for up to six inner cases plus an AED -- or up to 10 inner cases without an AED, the LiveSafer cabinet line has tremendous potential for quickly deploying additional lifesaving technologies throughout institutional buildings.
Illinois Supply Company was founded with the creation of the Original Allergy Emergency Kit that is now in thousands of schools around the world. Over time, we have become more and more aware of how other risks -- including sudden cardiac arrest, opioid overdose, severe bleeding and asthma attacks -- can also claim the lives of children and adults when we least expect it. With that in mind, we now have over 250 products aimed at helping you protect your building from incidents turning into tragedies. Our motto is "If we can save one life, this will all be worth it". It drives us every day.
Brandon and Arthur Wilson
EpiPen® is a registered trademark of Mylan Inc. Mylan Inc. does not sponsor or endorse the products referenced or sold on these web pages.
Auvi-Q® is a trademark of Sanofi-aventis U.S. LLC. Sanofi-aventis US does not sponsor or endorse the products referenced or sold on these web pages.
NARCAN® is a registered trademark of Emergent Operations Ireland Limited. Emergent Operations Ireland Limited does not sponsor or endorse the products referenced or sold on these web pages.
KLOXXADO™ is a trademark of Hikma Specialty USA Inc.
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